You can use a note for feedback plots. For example, this is what 100 dots look like.
Wow, right?
In Excel you can make a new line using Alt+Enter (Windows) or Alt+Apple+Enter (Mac). In Google Sheets, it's Alt+Enter on both platforms. You can start a new paragraph by using a blank line.
In the label column you can use HTML und Markdown and knitr. Here's a very handy reference guide.
Make text bold through __bold__, make it italic through *italic*.
All available widgets follow. They should work in all current and fairly many older browsers.
Where do you live?
And why would anybody want to live there?
How many Gods? Depending on what you answer here, you get a different question next. Try it out.
A simple multiple-choice question with three choices (and a hint).
So, who do you believe in? .
This is a simple multiple-choice question with three choices (and a hint), but you need to choose at least one (we enforced this with a !). Most items require you to make a choice, but for mc_multiple and check this doesn't make sense.
Choose one!
A multiple-choice/radio button question with more choices. We can give more spaces to the choices by specifying a CSS class in the class column.
mc_multiple or multiple-multiple-choice/checkboxes.
Now you can select several choices. The choices appear comma-separated in the results.
What do you prefer?
You may want to use rating-buttons as an item-type for your studies, because they look nice and are easy to handle. You can force the width of the labels on the side to be constant using classes.
You have the choice between a variety of visual styles (and eternal suffering and complete meaninglessness).
You get these blank buttons by adding the class blank_button.
Class analogue_rating_scale. Do away with labels, simply let your users pick a point on the scale. These may be better than the sliders below, because they don't have a default value (which will be "picked" very often by lazy participants).
Enter some fake email address. Email addresses are automatically checked for syntax in newer browsers. You still need to write to them, to find out if somebody is using it, though.
How many teeth do you have?
You can make sliders with this item type.By defining two choices, you can also label the slider's poles. Range uses the same options as number.
range_ticks shows 'ticks', i.e. marks for every useable value on the scale. Thus, it doesn't make sense to use range_ticks for very large ranges.
Same as range_ticks without ticks.
When were you born? select is a different way to display mc. It's useful when you have many choices.
Who do you love? select_multiple is a different way to display mc_multiple. Probably not usually a good idea, because many people don't know how to select multiple choices (shift click).
Who do you love more?
An mc field with larger buttons that are easier to click. It looks best, when the text on each button is of comparable length.
What are your hobbies then?
An mc_multiple field with larger buttons. To differentiate it from mc_button which would otherwise look the same, I recommend adding the class square. It's worth calling people's attention to the fact that multiple choices can be selected.
Do you wish to be bothered with an extra question?
Like check with a larger button.
This will only be displayed if you checked that you wanted to be bothered with another question.
What time is it?
When was the last time you cut your toenails?
What's your cat's favourite color (hint: it can't really differentiate red and green)?
This item saves GPS coordinates, which can be taken from actual GPS or e.g. Google's WiFi database if you're on a non-GPS device.
What's your favourite TV series? If you need more choices (why would you), just add your own by typing into the search field and pressing enter.
What are your favourite TV series? If you need more choices (why would you), just add your own.
Contact the study administration in case of questions.